Drinking Water Project

The residents of KhushPur Village had no access to water for their domestic (drinking and personal) use. The only source of water was the traditional canal open drainage channel, an old damaged pipeline connection from the canal, and few hand pumps installed in the village, but this water is salty and is not recommended as drinkable but the population has no other choice but to use this water for drinking as well as for other household use.

Now a continuous safe water supply service for ample and reliable water sources and adequate capacity for treatment, transmission and distribution, as well as properly functioning pumps, reservoirs working.

The way these facilities are operated and maintained can greatly affect the health of the population, the quality of the environment, the benefits to the poor and the resources available for investment in expansion. Good and basic drinking water can enhance the quality of service and extend the useful lives of facilities. This affects the financial performance of water utilities and, hence, the resources available for investment in new services.

The “Drinking Water Project.” was inaugurated with Korean’s brothers from “Better World”.